10 Video Game Easter Eggs STILL Undiscovered

8. The 2113 Box - Trials Evolution

Cyberpunk 2077 easter egg secret

Trials Evolution plays host to one of the greatest video game Easter eggs of all time, which while still ultimately unsolved, led players on one hell of a wild goose chase.

Shortly after the game's 2012 release, players discovered that a series of planks throughout the physics-based platformer spelled out a cipher, which told players to perform a specific move on the bike, which in turn unlocked a hidden song that contained a secret piece of Morse code.

The code took players to a website with a series of image ciphers and an equation, the answer to which unlocked sets of co-ordinates located in four cities - Helsinki, Sydney, Bath, and San Francisco.

Fans around the globe teamed up to visit the co-ordinates, and in each case a chest containing a key was found alongside a plaque. The back of each plaque read, "Midday in Year 2113. 1st Sat in Aug One of Five keys will open the box Underneath the Eiffel Tower."

To be clear, developer RedLynx has arranged for one of the four keys - the fifth one being a digital key unlocked in the next game, Trial Fusion - to open a box underneath the Eiffel Tower 101 years after the game's release.

Incredibly, everyone involved in the Easter egg's creation and anyone who discovered one of the keys will surely be long dead by 2113, ensuring only future generations have any chance at all of learning what's inside the chest.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.