10 Video Game Easter Eggs STILL Undiscovered

9. The 15th Wish - Destiny 2

Cyberpunk 2077 easter egg secret

The Destiny 2: Forsaken expansion included a new raid mission, Last Wish, which contained a puzzle room where players could enter a sequence of symbols in order to solve a series of "wishes."

To date, fourteen wishes have been found, but the fifteenth remains a pure mystery.

Fans have racked their brains for the better part of five years trying to crack the code and get to the bottom of the 15th wish, with some even surmising that the Last Wish raid itself is the 15th wish, given its name and all.

Despite this theory gaining substantial traction in recent years, Bungie still haven't confirmed the truth one way or another, perhaps suggesting that it's nothing more than - wait for it - wishful thinking.

Some fans remain hopeful that a future content update might change things up and finally allow players to make sense of it all, but as in all walks of life, there are no guarantees.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.