10 Video Game Easter Eggs STILL Undiscovered

4. The Endless Mode Mystery - Mega Man 9

Cyberpunk 2077 easter egg secret

Shortly after Mega Man 9's release in 2008, Capcom's then-Community Manager Seth Killian posted on the company's forums that the game contained a secret which hadn't yet been found.

This prompted the series' passionate fans to tear the game apart looking for the elusive secret, and though they did find a number of them, none were the specific one that Killian was cryptically referring to.

Capcom later gave fans a hint by revealing that the Easter egg could be found in Mega Man 9's Endless Attack mode, with comments from Capcom employees suggesting that it involved getting far enough in the mode to trigger... something.

Yet in the years that followed the trail ran cold, and with datamining also bringing up no fruitful leads, some fans accused Killian of fabricating a mystery to simply keep people talking about the game.

In an interview shortly before Killian left Capcom, though, he insisted that the secret was real and would be confirmed if any player ever discovered it. After almost 15 years with no promising leads, though, most fans seem to have basically given up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.