10 Video Game Easter Eggs STILL Undiscovered

5. The Startup Easter Egg - The Xbox

Cyberpunk 2077 easter egg secret

In 2021, an anonymous developer who worked on the original Xbox console revealed an Easter egg hidden in the Xbox's own dashboard.

By ripping a music CD to the console and renaming the CD's title to "Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!," players would unlock a secret credits screen for the members of the Xbox Dashboard Team.

This was initially assumed to be the last of several secrets discovered on the Xbox over the years, but the console's designer, Seamus Blackley, subsequently tweeted that another undiscovered Easter egg was still waiting to be found.

Blackley wouldn't give much away about the secret, though did reveal that it related to the console's boot animation, but curiously didn't require the player to perform any controller inputs.

Though Blackley is clearly relishing how thoroughly his responses have dumbfounded inquisitive players, this at least feels like one secret which might get solved one day, especially given how active Blackley is on social media. Here's hoping, at least.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.