10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Change Everything

7. The "Dog Ending" Implies A Canine Mastermind - Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2 Dog

The Silent Hill franchise is intensely disturbing at the best of times, and the games are also noted for their multitude of endings, several of which are throwaway Easter egg endings only achieved through a specific set of tasks.

Several of the Silent Hill games end with the protagonist being beamed up by a UFO, but there's one ending that, in all of its demented glory, is totally unique to Silent Hill 2.

The ending we're talking about is the infamous "dog" ending, which is achieved by first unlocking the three regular endings.

This will allow you to obtain the dog key from the dog house on your next playthrough, which can then unlock the observation room in the Lakeview Hotel.

Upon entering, the secret ending will be triggered, revealing that a dog was behind the game's events all along, having seemingly manipulated it all from a control panel.

When protagonist James talks to the dog, it's spoken entirely in Japanese regardless of your own region, and without any further context, the game ends as a dog-themed end credits song plays out.

Even for the surreal standards of Silent Hill, this is absolutely insane. And while it's not technically supposed to be taken seriously, it's played straight enough that it can be read as a deeply unsettling alternate history of Silent Hill's existence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.