10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Change Everything

6. Jeane's Totally Messed Up Secret Backstory - No More Heroes

No More Heroes Jeane
Grasshopper Manufacture

The No More Heroes series proudly wears it silliness on its sleeve, but that knowingly daft tone hides an incredibly effed-up backstory for the primary antagonist of the first game, protagonist Travis' half-sister Jeane.

During the cutscene ahead of the boss fight, Travis asks Jeane about her origins, only for her to refuse in hilariously meta fashion, claiming that doing so would raise the age rating of the game.

Travis then insists he'll fast-forward the scene so she can tell him, and duly, her exposition dump is quickly speeded through, rendering her dialogue high-pitched and inaudible.

Though this seems like nothing more than a fourth wall-breaking gag, it didn't take fans long to record the scene and slow it down on a computer.

When played at normal speed, Jeane reveals that she was abused by her and Travis' father as a child, and ultimately pimped herself out in order to afford fighting lessons which she used to eventually murder him.

It certainly colours Jeane differently, that's for sure, even if you might prefer not to know those horrific particulars.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.