10 Video Game Easter Eggs That SERIOUSLY Took The Piss
6. Jurassic Park: The Lost World - Secret Ending
Not all video game endings are created equally. Some are exceptionally moving moments that will make the player truly feel an emotional gut punch as they know their time with the title is coming to an end, others will hide secret and special endings that make the arduous task of unlocking them feel worthwhile as they reveal otherwise hidden plot points or twists.
The ending to the Jurassic Park video game however, is neither of these. For this game... well, kinda has a go at you.
If you manage to collect each and every single DNA piece in the game, which in itself is a huge task, then none other than hairy chest botherer Jeff Goldblum appears and starts to address your actions.
At first it seems like he's congratulating you in his own off-kilter way. However things take a sharp turn when he then tells the player to go outside, have a walk, "wash the stink off" and call a member of the opposite sex because we've spent too much time playing this.
I know that the actor is known for his ad-libbed delivery but it definitely feels like a punishment rather than a reward to be admonished by Dr. Malcom.