10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Went Too Far

7. So Many Innuendos - Banjo-Tooie

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Despite Banjo-Kazooie's kid-friendly appearance, the game has a ton of adult-themed Easter eggs. Because these references are infrequent and subtle, they tend to go over most players' heads.

However, you have to be blind not to spot the inappropriate content in Banjo-Tooie. While in Terrydactyland, you can see the path to Mumbo's Skull resembles an ejaculating penis. This little Easter egg isn't hidden or anything. It's out in the open, which makes you question how the censor board didn't pick up on it.

Although this is the most famous example of Banjo-Tooie's risky humour, there are many others. In Jolly Roger's Lagoon, the titular host asks if you want "Seaman's brew." The menu offers other crassly-named meals, such as Salty Dumplings and Seaman's Surprise. Although double-entendres can work if they're clever and artistic, jokes like this come across as childish.

Although Rare's follow-up, Conker's Bad Fur Day, also leaned into the smutty humour, it didn't feel as forced, since the mature content was intertwined with the storyline and the gameplay. Also, Conker's Bad Fur Day was R-rated, while Banjo-Tooie received the tamest rating possible... somehow.


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