10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Went Too Far

6. How Can Anyone Figure That Out? - Battlefield 4

Trials evolution

If you're one of those gamers who has to collect every single item in a game, it's best to avoid Battlefield 4, if you wish to keep hold of your sanity.

See, this FPS has an Easter egg that's so convoluted, it makes the Enigma machine from World War II look like child's play.

This is how it works. While in the Dragon Valley stage, you'll see a lantern beside a skull pillar that's flickering unnaturally. If you dabble in Morse code, you might notice the flickering is a coded message. Since the message is in Belarusian (yes, really), you're kind of stuck, unless you're familiar with the language.

Now, if you're wondering how any reasonable player could've worked this out, that's only the first part. To claim your prize, you need to solve a series of gruelling conundrums, which involves absurdly well-hidden switches, using sound editing software outside the game to decrypt song lyrics, and cracking an alphanumerical code. If you don't know what "alphanumerical" means, that's a sign you should give up.

And what do you get for your efforts?

A new outfit.

... Yay.


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