10 Video Game Endings That Shocked The World

7. The Walking Dead Season 1- Lee's Death

legend of zelda majoras mask
Telltale Games

An apocalypse is rarely an environment for fun and frivolity, but when the characters' futures are directly affected through player choice- the stakes can feel even higher (or not embedded deeply enough in a Walker's brain.)

In Telltale’s The Walking Dead, despite the concept of zombies not existing until this crisis, the horror of possibly being brutally killed or infected by a “Walker” permeates the entire narrative. The main character, Lee, is tasked with caring for and protecting Clementine, a young girl trying to locate her parents.

As an ex-teacher, previously on his way to prison due to a violent act, Lee seems like he may have the skills and strength to navigate this new world. However, regardless of the player’s actions, they cannot prevent the fixed truth of Lee being bitten by a Walker, despite his best precautions. It is also revealed that Clementine’s parents have also become Walkers, possibly even before the events of the game began.

The player must then make another choice- not as Lee, but as Clementine. Should Clementine shoot Lee in the head before he becomes a Walker, or run as far and fast as possible? Both result in this young girl being left all alone.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!