10 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Players

1. Peter Molyneux Strikes Again - Curiosity: What's Inside The Cube?

Stanley parable

The curious case of Curiosity: What's Inside The Cube? is unique because it involved an ending which effectively trolled just a single player.

Curiosity was an experimental video game from the industry's most famous snake oil salesman, Peter Molyneux, a collaborative online experience where players had to tap a gigantic floating cube in order to dig through its various layers and discover what was inside the cube.

Except, the catch was that only the single player who tapped the last tile would find out what the "life-changingly amazing" contents were, and it would be up to them whether they shared it with the world or not.

In the end, Edinburgh resident Bryan Henderson was the "winner" of the game, and also decided to reveal his prize to the world. Henderson was given the ability to be the single God character in Molyneux's upcoming god game Godus, and would also receive a small portion of the game's revenue.

But in a predictable anti-climax from the famous under-deliverer Molyneux, Godus never moved beyond its Early Access release in 2013, and Henderson never received either his Godly powers or the aforementioned payout.

Henderson may have been the unfortunate victim of another over-ambitious, undercooked Molyneux game, but everyone desperate to see what Curiosity's box contained was left feeling short-changed by the outcome.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.