10 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Players

6. Changing The Timeline - Final Fantasy VII Remake

Stanley parable
Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Remake's ending caught just about every fan by surprise, regardless of whether they dug it or not.

Though most understandably assumed it would follow the beats of the original game relatively closely, the ending of the first volume marked a major departure from the previous continuity.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is effectively a meta-remake that incorporates the 1997 original into its own story as an alternate timeline, one which the game deviates from at the end by having Zack Fair survive compared to his famous death in the original FFVII.

This stirred up plenty of discussion about the possibility of Aerith's death being undone in one of the remake's sequels, but considering that most fans realistically know they could be waiting anywhere from 3-10 years for Remake Part II - it is Square Enix after all - it truly is an ending as frustrating as it is fascinating.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.