10 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Players

5. You're Actually The Bad Guy - Braid

Stanley parable
Number None

Jonathan Blow's indie smash Braid is remembered for its ingenious puzzle design and superbly executed twist ending, which entirely subverted genre expectations while making the player feel incredibly bad about it.

Players control Tim, who spends the game searching for a princess who has been kidnapped by "a horrible and evil monster."

Except, the final level brilliantly flips the script on typical "save the princess!" tropes, as though the princess appears to be fleeing from a "monstrous" knight, the princess is actually running in reverse. Simply, she's not escaping from the knight - she's running to him and away from Tim himself.

Tim, it turns out, is the real monster, and though the precise nature of Tim's relationship with the princess is kept ambiguous, it's clear that he did something horrible to merit her fleeing from him so desperately.

You thought you were the hero, but you were the villain all along.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.