10 Video Game Endings That Were Saved By Fans

4. Yennefer's Betrayal - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

the witcher 3 yennefer
CD Projekt RED

Despite The Witcher 3 being almost an entire decade (!) old, modders are still discovering new things within the game code as recently as this year. And the latest find is a doozy alright.

It all started when developer CD Projekt RED released REDkit back in May - a set of mod tools allowing players to create their own weapons, quests, and so on for the RPG.

By this past June, YouTuber xLetalis and modder glassfish had used these tools to uncover an extended and until-now-unseen part of The Witcher 3's ending, where Yennefer betrays the Lodge of Sorceresses to Emperor Emhyr.

The ending of the final retail release doesn't have much to say about the Lodge of Sorceresses, but this cut content would've added numerous scenes to the climax, culminating in Yennefer turning on the sorceresses and ensuring their eventual execution in order to keep Ciri safe.

Though the sequence is only partially constructed in the game's files, it was nevertheless fully voice-acted, suggesting it was most likely a late cut in the development process. But thanks to these enterprising modders, it's no longer a hush-hush secret.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.