10 Video Game Endings Worse Than A Game Over

7. The Cliffhanger Time Forgot - Telltale's Game Of Thrones

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Telltale Games

Telltale's closure was a tragedy for a variety of reasons. While the main tragedy is undeniably the talented individuals who lost their jobs as a result, many fans of series the company was making were also understandably upset that these would never be completed.

The most frustrating of these is tied between The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones series, which both were left without proper closure.

Telltale's Game of Thrones may have been the most aggravating case though, as - in true Thrones tradition - it had just reached the classic grim mid-way point of the plot, where generally things would improve from.

Instead of this, though, we'll be left in a permanent cliffhanger, unsure of the ending fates of the various Forrester children. Well, the ones who were still alive, anyways.

And while it's nice that some of them get to live, it's not so great that the potential for a happy ending - or some Game of Thrones equivalent - ended up thrown to the wayside because of tragic happenstance.


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