10 Video Game Endings You Weren't Supposed To See

1. Void Creatures Are Wiped Out - Risk Of Rain 2: Survivors Of The Void

Tomb Raider Underworld
Hopoo Games

Roguelike third-person shooter Risk of Rain 2 released an expansion in 2022 called Survivors Of The Void, which included an unused ending cutscene which enterprising fans soon enough found.

This ending, which would occur after players defeat the Voidling boss added in Survivors of the Void, saw all the void creatures across the alien planet appear to perish, suggesting that the Voidling was effectively the Queen of a void hivemind - a common trope in sci-fi, of course.

However, this ending and all of its implications never made it into the final game, with some fans plausibly speculating that Hopoo Games may have simply decided against making the Voidling the Big Bad of the void and tying all of the void creatures directly to it.

Considering how tired and played-out the "kill the Queen, kill the hive" shtick is in sci-fi, it's tough to argue with the developers' decision to cut it, though it's still an intriguing discovery for fans.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.