10 Video Game Endings You Weren't Supposed To See

6. Bond Kills Mr. White - Quantum Of Solace

Tomb Raider Underworld

The Quantum of Solace video game ends on something of an ambiguous note, as James Bond tracks down two high-ranking members of Quantum - Mr. White and Guy Haines.

Just as he goes to breach the house they're residing in, the game ends, but with M reminding 007 that he needs to keep Haines alive, there's a clear implication that Bond has free license to kill Mr. White.

But in 2021, YouTuber Timeless Lunchbox uncovered a more overt, scrapped ending from the PS2 version of the game, which actually shows Bond executing Mr. White in all its glory.

Bond enters the house where the pair are chatting, and just as Mr. White is about to kill Haines for "getting noticed," 007 steps in and caps White in the head, before introducing himself to Haines. The End.

It's unclear who made the call for this more violent ending to be ditched in favour of something more vague, but considering that the movie's original planned ending indeed saw Bond kill Mr. White and approach Haines in the exact fashion depicted here, it's probable that Bond producers themselves insisted on it being nixed.

It's certainly fun to consider it as an alternate timeline to the movies, though, because if 007 killed Mr. White at this point, he would've never met White's daughter Madeleine (Lea Seydoux) in Spectre, nor had a child with her in No Time to Die.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.