10 Video Game Enemies That Will Make You Sick

4. Limbo - The Spider

Resident Evil 7 Eveline
Playdead Studios

Trypophobia is bad enough, but when it comes to the daddy of phobias, it has to be arachnophobia.

Spiders are just... gross. They're not fuzzy, cute little things with eight huggy arms.

They're just nasty. Case in point: Limbo.

The shadows... the unexpected entanglement in a giant web... those spindly legs unfolding to reveal a giant, sinister-looking arachnid.


Unlike most big-and-nasties, the spider doesn't continually chase you in a scripted sequence. Instead, it goes double bastard and can announce itself when you least expect it. This is definitely aided by Limbo being a game based on darkness and shadows, of course.

What this means is you can be nonchalantly navigating your way through this already hellish (or purgatory-ish) landscape, thinking you've escaped it and bam! It's behind a tree or something.

Even in death it's still pretty gross. Not content with it being dead, our protagonist has to pull a leg off, which no great ease, mind, and use the torso as a stepping stone.

Sorry, but if that were me felling a monstrous multi-eyed nasty with massive fangs, the last thing I would want to do is climb over it.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.