10 Video Game Enemies That Will Make You Sick

5. Manhunt - Piggsy

Resident Evil 7 Eveline

Manhunt is not a pleasant game.

Of course, you don't need me telling you that. It's like telling you water is wet.

Yet over time, you get yourself acquainted with all the various gangs and crazies that inhabit Starkweather's violent playground. Well, until the penultimate levels.

Then you meet Piggsy.

The pig face-wearing, animalistic, cannibalistic man-baby is a grotesque sight to behold. Wearing nothing but a pig-faced grin and a chainsaw, Piggsy was Starky's main attraction for a time.

But Piggsy got too carried away (which must have been bad for snuff film standards) and was instead locked in the director's attic. Fed the remains of previous "actors", Piggsy descends into a feral state, much like the namesake of the face he wears.

Fighting him is no easy feat, as he chases Cash around the decrepit loft, eager to carve him up. Showing little intelligence, instead grunting and squealing, Piggsy is definitely something you don't want to spend too long staring at.

Hiding from the naked butcher is key, as he won't hesitate to use that rather massive piece of equipment on you if he sees you.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.