10 Video Game Enemies We Can't Believe Got Cut

8. Silent Hill - Grey Children

resident evil 2 man spider

The opening of Silent Hill is iconic for being disorientating, frightening and overwhelming… which, come to think of it, sums up the vibe of the entire game. After finding himself searching down a dark alleyway of the eponymous town for his missing daughter, Harry Mason is surrounded by one of two things: Grey Children or Mumblers.

Those of you out there in the good ol’ US of A may well be confused by this entry as you were lucky enough to see the little grey buggers, but anywhere else in the world? We had to deal with the Mumblers; close-enough counterparts, in both this scene and in the Midwich Elementary School part of the game.

Rejected by the censors many times, the Grey Children were seen as too close to being like real children and the ratings boards outside of America were not happy with Harry pointing his weapon of choice at them.

Which is a real shame because they add so much more of an air of creepiness to the school, especially with their horrible little laughs when they grab you. It’s sometimes surprising where the line is with these things especially considering most of Silent Hill’s enemy roster are twisted human forms but it’s fairly understandable when it comes to tiny twisted forms roaming a school.

More than anything it's a shame that this legendary game can’t be a uniform experience no matter which region you play it in.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.