10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

5. King Minos - Dante's Inferno

The last of us clickers
Electronic Arts

Horror games can often be lazy when it comes to design. When time is short and the budget is low, it's easy to throw a bunch of regular zombies or demons in as bosses and call it a job well done.

Dante's Inferno - despite ostensibly being more of an action game than a horror game - is truly exemplary in how creative the development team were with their designs. Since the plot revolves around you going through the seven circles of Hell, they could have easily thrown in some conventional designs based around whatever cardinal sin you're travelling through. Instead, they get much wilder.

Case in point: King Minos, the boss of the first circle of Hell, Limbo. In Greek mythology, Minos is the King who sent people to be eaten by the Minotaur, and is often associated with snakes in his depictions. Instead of creating a regular designed based off of this, the game's version of Minos is a fleshy tentacled gatekeeper who prevents your passage deeper into Hell.

With skin melted into his eyes and a giant crown fused to his murky flesh, King Minos will likely get a few hits in simply by distracting you with his awful visage.


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