10 Video Game Exploits That Destroyed The Entire Experience

7. Farming In The Gulag (Call Of Duty: Warzone)

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In Call Of Duty's battle royale mode - Warzone - death is not the end. Instead, when you get owned by some screaming 12-year-old kid, you're thrown into an area known as the Gulag, where you'll engage in a 1v1 encounter against another eliminated player, and if you win, you'll be placed back in the regular battle royale mode. Simple.

The crucial thing about the Gulag is that it's a separate area, isolated from the battle royale map and inaccessible to those players who have not died yet - however, a recent exploit has changed all that.

This is because Warzone regulars have discovered a way to actually break into the Gulag without dying, allowing them to rack up some easy kills by picking off the eliminated players who are supposed to be fighting in a fair, isolated 1v1.

By using this exploit (which is performed by using a loadout drop to push through the map), fully-kitted players can enter the Gulag and freely shoot at the helpless prisoners held within, which not only ruins the flow of the match that's currently in progress, but nullifies the entire point of the Gulag to boot.

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Fallout 4
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