10 Video Game Fan Theories That Change EVERYTHING

Who knew there were so many hidden apocalypses in the world of gaming?

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Abigail Theory

It's amazing what one small comment, reference or item can do to send a fan's imagination into pandemonium. For as long as video games have been a source of entertainment, fans and players have looked for details left behind by developers that point to a bigger picture going on behind the scenes. Intentional to begin with or not, some of these speculations and theories have even found a way of becoming fact.

After a fan theory surrounding the character went viral, Blizzard Entertainment confirmed via a fan letter that Symmetra from Overwatch was indeed autistic, it was revealed that Michael Jackson did indeed help produce some of the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and James Sunderland's wife really was buried in the boot of his Silent Hill 2 car.

As a result, when it comes to a mind-blowing fan theory, there are times when the actual imagination and piecing together can be more exciting than the title itself.

From entire apocalypses hidden off screen, to hidden family tragedies that only eagle eyed players could have uncovered, here are ten of the best video game fan theories that literally change everything about their respective titles.

10. Trevor Was The Target - Grand Theft Auto V 

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Abigail Theory

Grand Theft Auto V begins with a prologue mission that everyone who has played through the game is familiar with by now. Michael, Trevor (simply named 'M' and 'T' during the level) and their colleague Brad hold up a cash storage facility in North Yankton, and are then ambushed by the police.

As well as being the opening guide to the game's basic mechanics such as movement and shooting, the prologue proves to be the cornerstone of everything that goes on to happen to Michael and Trevor.

During the course of the prologue in North Yankton, things begin to go awry for the crew and Brad ends up being killed by a sniper shot. It's later revealed that Michael had brokered a deal between himself and the authorities that involved selling out his crew in exchange for a life in witness protection, and that Brad had gotten in the way.

However, one theory suggests that it wasn't Brad who was supposed to die during the deal at all but Trevor. The main evidence for this is a scene during the prologue where Brad steps in front of Trevor right before the fatal shot is fired, and then later on during the game where Trevor is routinely described by feds such as Agent Norton as a 'loose end'.

Given how influential this one moment proves to become, the whole GTA V universe could have changed completely had Brad not stepped across at that last second.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.