10 Video Game Finales That Left You Speechless

6. Gone Home

Mafia 2
Fullbright Company

Gone Home is a masterclass in subverting player expectations. Releasing at a time where indie PC horror games were all the rage, initially the title seemed as though it was going to be just another entry in that over-saturated genre.

Let loose to explore a deserted house and piece together the mystery of what happened to your family, the game constantly ramps up the tension and as the situation begins to seem more and more dire.

Furthermore, hints of supernatural occurrences begin to rise in frequency as you pick up diary entries and put together clues from around the house, eventually resulting in the player being ushered into a locked-off attic with the promise of finally getting to the heart of what really happened to this family.

It turns out however, that the story you've been piecing together throughout the game wasn't nefarious or supernatural at all, but simply one teenager's experience with coming to terms with her sexuality and family.

Everything has a rational explanation, and the game pulls the rug out from under you by drawing you in with the promise of horror, but leaving you speechless with one of the most stunning character studies in all of gaming.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3