10 Video Game Fourth Wall Breaks No One Saw Coming

6. Tomb Raider 2 - You've Seen Enough

Lara Croft's overt sexuality is a pretty known gaming fact at this point. The developers at Core Design knew what they were doing when they created a protagonist like Lara Croft, they directly appealed to sexuality, an element that was still a massive taboo in the early days of the Playstation 1. Many players thought there were some kind of nude code, cheat or glitch in Tomb Raider 1 for some reason or another, which obviously turned out to be untrue. In acknowledgment of this, Core Design decided to have a little fun with their fan-base in Tomb Raider 2 via the fourth wall. After a hard day of beating the bad guys, Lara Croft decides to have a nice soapy shower. Before she gets comfortable and completely disrobes, she turns to the camera and bluntly asks 'Haven't you seen enough'?, before promptly picking up her shot gun and blowing the spectator away. If anyone genuinely thought they were going to see some gratuitous nudey pixels, think again. At the time no one saw this swerve coming, while Core Design definitely had some fun at the expense of their fan-base.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.