10 Video Game Fourth Wall Breaks No One Saw Coming

5. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Use The MIDDLE Stick.

In the first entry of Rocksteady's groundbreaking Batman: Arkham series, one of the most unexpected fourth wall breaks in gaming history happened. Scarecrow and his hallucinatory powers are a force to be reckoned with in the game, often forcing Batman to fight through delusion to face him. The fourth wall reference in question happens when Scarecrow's toxin causes the game to appear as if it has crashed and restarted, the opening cut-scene then replays, but with a few minor differences. This time, the cutscene starts with the Joker behind the wheel of the Batmobile, moving on to show Batman strapped down in the prison transportation with Joker and Harley walking beside him. At the end of the cutscene, Joker pulls out a gun and promptly shoots the Caped Crusader, prompting a game over. The hint on the game over screen reads 'use the middle stick to dodge Joker's gun fire'. Of course this is a hoax and Batman is just dreaming again, as the controls only have right or left sticks, unless you somehow managed to play Arkham Asylum on the N64.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.