10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

1. Splinter Cell

the suffering

Despite the rumour mill regularly having recourse to a ‘Splinter Cell is coming back’ story, nothing has ever come of such industry whisperings bar a few disappointing uses of Sam Fisher in other franchises. Considering there was a time when stealth games and Splinter Cell were synonymous, the absence has been keenly felt.

From the first, way back in 2002, and through a stunning initial trilogy, Splinter Cell established itself not only as Ubisoft's flagship franchise, but one of gaming's finest. That the series continued to remain consistently good was a true achievement. Such is why it remains truly regrettable that Sam Fisher has been MIA since 2013.

The time is right for a new Splinter Cell: the power of the new systems, especially their focus on HDR and other visual/lighting features, means that the series' trademark light/dark gameplay can return with breathtaking results. The world of espionage hasn't gotten any less interesting in the interim, leaving the goal wide open for Ubisoft to walk it in.

Recently, the company has been showing some effort to move away from churning out the same open worlds. Splinter Cell returning continues that journey.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.