10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

2. Kessen

the suffering

Across three titles, Kessen managed to develop a blend of real time strategy and combat that felt genuinely unique, though technical limitations inhibited the clear ambitiousness of the developers. If brought back to life, Kessen could find itself making the mark it deserved to the first time around, assisted by the means equivalent to the ambitions of the creators.

Focusing on source material from the history of Japan and China (with the more legendary material of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms used for Kessen 2), Kessen had a blend of strategy and combat which felt genuinely unique: strategies would be selected and battles planned, but the player could take direct control during the real time engagements.

The blend of historical fiction and fantasy as well as the fusion of real time strategy and player controlled combat retains tremendous potential, and an opportunity to fill a relative gap in the strategy at present (at least console wise).

Kessen was always well received, if rather underwhelming so, during its lifetime. To make a comeback and capitalise on what made it feel unique could trigger a gaming coup d'etat.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.