10 Video Game Franchises That Keep Making The Same Mistake

5. "Bethesda Jank" - Fallout & The Elder Scrolls

Resident evil ending

The Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises are phenomenally successful despite the fact they both share one glaring flaw: that damn Bethesda jank.

Since the release of Skyrim in 2011, Bethesda has been using the Creation Engine for their games, which is based on their prior Gamebryo engine, the jank-infused DNA of which still haunts the publisher's AAA RPGs.

Random physics-based glitches are commonplace in Skyrim and Fallout 4 in particular, yet because the game worlds are so mind-bogglingly large and well-realised, many fans seem content to put up with it.

It's no excuse, though, that one of the most decorated gaming publishers in the world can't deliver more stable and polished experiences, no matter the complexity.

Though Bethesda's Todd Howard has stated that the Creation Engine has undergone a massive overhaul for both the upcoming Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI, you'd be daft to expect a smooth, glitch-free experience from either.

When the money keeps pouring in regardless of the egregious bugs - some of which fans have ultimately endeavoured to fix themselves - there's probably not much incentive to devote many resources to ironing everything out.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.