10 Video Game Franchises That Keep Making The Same Mistake

2. A Terrible Final Act - Resident Evil

Resident evil ending

With the release of every new Resident Evil game, fans brace to find out whether or not it craps all over itself in the final hour or two, and lo and behold, it almost certainly does.

Since the series' early days, the overwhelming majority of the Resident Evil games have saved the worst for last, most notably Resident Evil 4's island, Resident Evil 5's ridiculous volcano, and Resident Evil 7's tanker-mines combo.

Without going into spoilers, it's safe to say that Resident Evil Village doesn't much buck the trend, holding back the most boring locale and silliest boss fight for its final area.

Part of the problem might be that, by the end of any Resident Evil game, the fear has begun to wear off and the player is more often than not capably kitted-up to take on whatever is thrown at them.

Even so, there are very few games in the series which manage to sustain a skin-crawling atmosphere all the way to the finish line. Too often, they give in to absurd action schlock.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.