10 Video Game Franchises With ONE Game Everyone Hates

9. Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Gears of War

Much as there are many who have little love for Metroid: Other M, that game does at least have its defenders, and even its staunch haters can surely appreciate the potential of a third-person Metroid game starring Samus.

Yet it can't be understated just how pissed off Metroid fans were when Nintendo finally announced the first new game in the series in six years - since Other M - in 2015, only for it to be... Federation Force.

Metroid Prime: Federation Force was a co-op spin-off which fans collectively - and rightly - dogpiled for deviating from the series' much-loved formula, paring down the expected exploration elements, being too multiplayer-focused, having an excessively cartoonish art style, and most criminally lacking Samus herself as a playable character.

It just wasn't what fans wanted after so many years of waiting for a new Metroid, ensuring it was dead-on-arrival sales-wise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.