10 Video Game Franchises With ONE Game Everyone Hates

8. Yakuza 3

Gears of War

The Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise has downright exploded in popularity in the West since the release of Yakuza 0 in 2017, prompting Sega to commission remakes of the first two games in the series and remasters of the third, fourth, and fifth.

Yakuza 3's remaster exists in something of an awkward spot for the franchise, then, for while Yakuza 4 and 5's remasters are also based off PS3 games, Yakuza 3 feels considerably more dated in every fiber of its being.

Even if you can excuse the game's excruciatingly slow opening, the combat is painful, given the tendency for enemies to excessively block every incoming attack, to the extent that boss battles end up being infuriatingly tedious 15-minute endurance trials.

Beyond that, the gameplay is incredibly game-y, filled with generic runaround fetch quests and poorly implemented chase missions, ensuring that Yakuza 3 is the one entry into the series that genuinely feels like a chore.

More than anything, it's egregiously obvious that Sega rushed this remaster out in favour of spending additional dev time completing the remake everybody wanted. Yakuza 4 and 5 are very far from perfect, but they don't feel nearly as archaic as this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.