10 Video Game Franchises With Only ONE Good Game
8. Perfect Dark

GoldenEye 007 may have revolutionised first-person shooters but Rare's spiritual successor, Perfect Dark, surpassed the James Bond title in almost every way. The futuristic FPS boasts more diverse missions, head-bopping soundtracks, cool gadgets, an onslaught of astounding weapons, and enemy AI that's impressive by today's standards.
With Perfect Dark receiving universal praise, everyone was expecting a follow-up. Although things were touch a go when Microsoft acquired Rare, the British developers assured gamers that another Perfect Dark was on the cards. Several years later, a prequel called Perfect Dark Zero launched on the Xbox 360.
And the overall reception was... meh. By no means a terrible game, Zero regressed in many areas, including voice-acting, enemy AI, story, and level structure.
Shortly after, 4J Studios devised a remaster of the original with a higher frame rate, an online multiplayer, sharper textures, and refined character models.
And the overall reception was once again... meh. Despite looking drastically better, 2010's Perfect Dark was less polished, due to its repeating textures, floaty aiming, and stiff controls.
Also, the enemy AI becomes noticeably worse in every instalment, since each of the baddies this time are as useless as a chocolate teapot.
Considering how influential Perfect Dark was, the gaming community deserved better.