10 Video Game Franchises With Only ONE Good Game

7. Golden Axe

Crackdown 3

Golden Axe was an arcade hack-and-slash released in 1989. Due to its success, the sword-and-sorcery co-op was released on many systems, becoming one of the best-selling Genesis games.

Though beat 'em ups were a dime a dozen at the time, the Conan the Barbarian-inspired title stood out, due to its tight combat, catchy chiptunes, and addictive steed riding. Also, blasting enemies with a screen-filling dragon never stops being fun. Ever.

With other Genesis classics like Sonic, Shinobi, and Street of Rage churning out solid sequels, it was understandable when Golden Axe followed suit.

Unfortunately, Golden Axe II added nothing new, even using the same graphics and sound as its predecessor. Somehow, the threequel was worse, due to its shoddy graphics and imprecise combat.

Sega tried to reignite interest in 2008, publishing a 3D reboot called Golden Axe: Beast Rider. Sadly, this blunder lacks everything that made Golden Axe special. Despite the fact the magic potions were integral in previous titles for launching mega-attacks, this mechanic was removed. Even though beast-riding was the biggest selling point, it's the worst part of the game. Also, there's no co-op,  making the main campaign a solitary and dull experience.

Though it was once one of Sega's proudest properties, Golden Axe has been effectively dead for decades.


James Egan has been with Whatculture for five years and prominently works on Horror, Film, and Video Games. He's written over 80 books including 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts About James Bond 1000 Facts About TV Shows