10 Video Game Franchises You Won't Be Seeing For A While

See you soon?

Dues Ex Mankind Divided Adam Jensen

In the current state of the game industry, sequels are a dime a dozen.

For every successful game that comes out, there almost always follows a sequel in some regard. There are so many new additions to booming game franchises coming out in the next few years that it's truly an exciting time for gamers everywhere.

But what about the games we won't be seeing for some time? What about the sequels that aren't happening?

There are many game franchises out there that either haven't seen a sequel in quite some time and will continue not to, or have recently reached the end.

Not all of these games are being kept in the dark because they're bad. In many of these cases, it's simply because the games have reached their natural end, or didn't get the attention that they deserved.

That's not to say that there aren't a few franchises that need to be let go, but most of the time it's actually quite a sad situation.

No matter what the reason is, just don't expect to see a new entry in any of these series anytime soon.

10. Mass Effect

Dues Ex Mankind Divided Adam Jensen

When the most memorable thing to come out of your game is the weird faces, you know you've got a problem.

That isn't speculation either- following how badly Andromeda was received by fans, EA announced that they had no plans for single-player DLC and said that they'd revisit Mass Effect when they had something fresh.

That's PR talk for, "You won't be seeing this for some time".

Andromeda was hyped up to be the best Mass Effect game in the series, but ended up falling flat for many. Although the gameplay was considered to be improved, the story and choices had been downgraded massively and that was really what made Mass Effect so great in the first place.

That's not even mentioning the bugs. By now you've definitely seen Andromeda's awkward faces and animations, but the game itself often just refused to work.

Considering Mass Effect was once considered one of the greatest trilogies in gaming, it's a crying shame that we probably won't see it return for some time.

In this post: 
Mass Effect
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.