10 Video Game Genres That NEED To Make A Comeback

8. Tower Defense

Curse of Monkey Island

Who didn't love Plants vs. Zombies? Tower defense games were a great way to engage with optimization and prioritization. A variety of different mechanics thrown into different games made for interesting and unique experiences. Tower defense are also an interesting anomaly in popular gaming genres as most were user created and played for free on sites like Kongregate and Newgrounds. However with Adobe Flash Player approaching the end of its life cycle, many of these games will inevitably be lost to time.

Many who grew up on these free games will inevitably look elsewhere now and fortunately tower defense has found a new home on app stores. Smartphones lend themselves perfectly to this type of game and there are dozens of them to choose from. Some recent examples like Taur and Orcs Must Die! 3 have found success on platforms and PC, showcasing that the genre is anything but dead.


I like to yell into the void of the internet about things that don't really matter.