10 Video Game Goons Stronger Than The Final Boss!

8. Basilisks - Dark Souls

Dying Light Thumbnail

Now, compared to dragons, gods of the dead, and maybe even Pinwheel, the Basilisks you find in Dark Souls might first appear to be kind of a pushover. And by all means, in many regards they are - as you don't have to whale on them for ten minutes with whatever hurty thing you're using as a weapon in order to finally slay them.

However, the Basilisks come with one very important ability, that makes them substantially more dangerous: the ability to cause an infliction known as Curse. Should the gross breath attack of these lizards fill your curse bar, you'll not only die, but you'll wake back up to find your health is halved. And, if you're too bold or too forgetful to look up how to cure this, your health will be permanently halved.

And trekking around curing yourself is its own battle, as all methods require you to travel to different corners of the map.

Did we mention the first Dark Souls has no fast travel? So enjoy having to do this ordeal anytime you find yourself on the wrong side of these critters bad breath. At least Ornstein and Smough had the decency to just beat your face in.


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