10 Video Game Hard Modes That Made Games EASIER
5. Crysis Hardest Difficulty Makes It Easier For Korean Speakers - Crysis

Crysis' approach to hard mode is an interesting one, as the game doesn't only just adjust the enemies' combat mechanics. It also changes the way they speak, which, funnily enough, can make the mode easier for certain types of people.
When you pick hard for your playthrough, the enemy soldiers gain buffs to their reaction time and accuracy. The game also makes it harder to detect them and predict their actions, and it does so by removing the ability to mark them, as well as making the Korean soldiers actually speak their native language.
Now, the latter change may sound like a pretty fun concept that could make the game more difficult… if it weren't for the fact that, well, there are actual Koreans and Korean speakers playing the game.
The soldiers coordinating their actions in a language that they can understand, potentially better than English, can actually make the game easier, as the hostiles will be easier to understand.
To those who can't speak a lick of Korean, the game may seem significantly more unpredictable, but to native speakers, it only does the opposite.