10 Video Game Hard Modes That Made Games EASIER

4. Legendary Makes Using Exploits Easier - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Devil May Cry 3

Bethesda games' difficulty settings are frequently criticized for being lazy slider adjustments, and Legendary mode in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is no different.

All the difficulty does is make your attacks weaker and your enemies stronger, which can actually lead to a lot of gameplay issues, such as spells dealing marginal damage and kill cams triggering when you're not even close to killing someone.

Still, as is the case with most Bethesda "bugs-into-features," this lack of balance can actually be exploited in your favor.

Since on Legendary you deal less damage not only to your enemies but also to your allies, you're able to get a lot of free cheap shots at them before they get angry with you.

Knowing this, you can flail your weapons at them to level up your combat skills without aggroing anyone, and if you get your blades on an essential follower that never attacks you, like Hadvar or Ralof in the intro, you basically get a huge damage sponge that will endlessly take hits, allowing you to level up in an instant.

After you max out your skills like this, the legendary stat changes won't even make a difference.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.