10 Video Game Hard Modes That Made Games EASIER

2. A Legendary Loot Spawner - Fallout 4

Devil May Cry 3

Fallout 4's approach to difficulty is pretty much identical to other Bethesda games (unbalanced slider adjustments equal harder enemies). However, it also utilizes one unique mechanic, which actually changes the gameplay around drastically.

That is, it makes it significantly easier for you!

While the game has scaling enemies, such as raiders that become beefier when someone puts "scum" next to their name, it also features special enemies referred to as legendaries.

These legendary hostiles are unique in that they regain health after they lose more than half of it, but more importantly, they drop legendary loot when you kill them.

Legendary arms come with a randomly generated ability that, if you're lucky, can be an absolute game changer that will make every encounter a piece of cake (like an automatic rifle that shoots explosive ammunition, for example).

The problem is that legendary enemies are extremely rare... unless you play on hard difficulty.

Yes, aside from adjusting enemy stats, hard mode also increases the possibility of spawning a legendary character, making it easier to farm for unique items until you find the one that will help you beat the game with ease, regardless of how unfairly buff hostile NPCs are.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.