10 Video Game Hero Transformations You Didn't See Coming

5. Steve Burnside - Resident Evil - Code: Veronica

Metal Gear Solid Raiden

Criminally underappreciated spin-off Resident Evil Code: Veronica introduces fans to Steve Burnside - an inmate imprisoned on Rockfort Island alongside Claire Redfield.

Though Burnside's presence in the game is relatively divisive per his not-great voice acting and rushed, ham-fisted romance with Claire, he's an objectively heroic character and one whose arc doesn't go where anybody expected.

Even if you predicted that Steve would end up sacrificing himself to save Claire, did anyone see things going this way?

When the pair are separated mid-game, Steve is infected with the t-Veronica virus, and when Claire attempts to rescue him, he mutates into a grotesque, Tyrant-like creature.

A revolting shadow of his former self, Steve attempts to kill Claire before his inner humanity prevails and thinks better of it... but Steve is sadly mortally wounded by one of Alexia Ashford's tentacles in the process.

As a silver living, he at least turns back into his regular human form in his final moments, giving him precious seconds to say farewell to Claire and - gulp - declare his undying love for her.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.