10 Video Game Hero Transformations You Didn't See Coming

4. Lizbert - Bugsnax

Metal Gear Solid Raiden
Young Horses

Though PS5 launch title Bugsnax was marketed as a cute adventure game set on a mysterious island filled with adorable bug-food creatures, many suspected that Sony was deliberately concealing a far darker component to the story.

And that they certainly were, given the outright divergence into body horror territory in the final stretch, when it's revealed that the Bugsnax are actually parasites who eventually transform anyone who consumes enough of them into Bugsnax themselves.

This is revealed by Elizabert "Lizbert" Megafig, a journalist who has vanished on the island at the start of the story, and who at game's end is revealed to have been transformed into a gigantic, spider-like Bugsnax monster.

Lizbert isn't a villain, though - quite the opposite, in fact. Lizbert has actually been trying to keep the Bugsnax in check by functioning as their queen, and players who managed to save all the Grumpuses at the end will see Lizbert mercifully transformed back into her regular self.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.