10 Video Game Heroes Having The WORST Day
7. The Surge
Being suckers for technological advancement, if a new job offered you the chance to sport an advanced exoskeleton, you'd jump at it.
So much is the allure for The Surge protagonist Warren, who takes a job at the CREO institute for hopes of betterment and all that jazz.
However, as he's prepped for surgery, he doesn't realise that behind the scenes things have gone a bit awry.
Having not being administered any anaesthesia (which, as someone who works in that field, I can assure you is kinda essential), Warren has to endure all of his procedure.
Bear in mind we're not talking about a bit of pseudo-scaffolding being built around him. More like implants and framework being screwed into his actual flesh, bone and nervous systems.
Whilst fully awake and under restraint.
Just something to bear in mind when you bang your knee on an open drawer in the staff kitchen.
It gets worse, mind. After his Surge-ry (sorry) Warren is unceremoniously dumped into what can only be described as "the robo-pocalypse".
There's never been a better embodiment of the whole frying pan/fire analogy. On a pain scale, anyway.