10 Video Game Heroes That Accidentally Doomed Everyone

7. The Hero Of Tristram - Diablo

lollipop chainsaw

As far as villains go they don’t come much bigger than the devil himself, and big damn villains need big damn heroes to take them down. Ideally, though, you need big damn smart heroes, and when it comes to the hero of Diablo, smart they are not.

When Diablo’s plot to gain dominion over the mortal realm was foiled, he was imprisoned within a soulstone and buried (by another band of dumb as doorknob heroes) deep beneath the village of Tristram. Naturally, death, demonic possession and bloody mayhem ensued.

Equally naturally, heroes answered to the call to sort out the mess, duly carving their way through the evil throng, dungeon by dungeon and monster by monster, eventually entering Hell, throwing down with Diablo face-to-face and destroying his mortal form.

So far, so good.

Then, in one of the most monumentally stupid decisions in the history of gaming, the hero, in a fit of righteous, ‘self-sacrificial’ heroism, jams the prison of a Prime Evil into their own forehead, in the vain belief they can contain this evil.

The fact that we have a Diablo II and III shows how well that decision turned out...


Marcellus Huisamen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.