10 Video Game Heroes That Accidentally Doomed Everyone

6. Chell - Portal 2

lollipop chainsaw

Portal’s villain GLADOS and protagonist Chell have quite the history: the murderous cake-loving, hilariously snarky AI used Chell as a human lab rat before trying to incinerate her alive, a trap Chell barely escaped before returning the favour and dismantling GLADOS piece by piece.

Come Portal 2 Chell finds herself once more imprisoned in the Aperture Science facility, where she is awoken from stasis by lovable moron Wheatley. Accidentally awakening a furious GLADOS, Chell is summarily forced back into being a test subject.

Wheatley responds with a plan to defeat GLADOS by replacing her – with himself.

The problem is, as GLADOS herself puts it: ‘He's not just a regular moron, he's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived.’ And when that moron promptly goes insane with power, his infinite incompetence threatens to destroy the facility and kill all three of them.

Ironically, GLADOS is the key to fixing Chell’s mess and the two of them end up an unlikely heroic duo. Not that GLADOS deigns to keep Chell around, expelling her from the facility before the ‘hero’ can break anything else.


Marcellus Huisamen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.