10 Video Game Heroes That Accidentally Doomed Everyone

4. Captain Titus - Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

lollipop chainsaw

In Warhammer 40K Space Marines are the best of the best, the Emperor of Mankind’s elite, so when Forge World Graia comes under Ork attack only those able to do the impossible are up to the task.

Fighting through the hordes of Orks, the unconventional, and unusually compassionate (for a Space Marine), Captain Titus encounters the shady Inquisitor Drogan, who tells him of a weapon that could destroy all of the invading Orks.

Or blow up the planet should the less-than-intelligent Orks tamper with it.

Ever the loyal soldier of the Emperor Titus fights his way through legions of Orks and escorts Drogan to his secret facility.

But that is about all that goes right, because as it turns out Dragon that was a sorcerous puppet already days dead, and instead of wiping out the Orks the weapon tears open a portal to the demonic Warp, ushering in an invasion of Chaos Daemons and corrupted Space Marines led by a Chaos sorceror hell bent on ascending to become a Daemon Prince.

Luckily for Titus he’s a beast, and luckily for players fighting the forces of Chaos is brilliant fun. So we’ll forgive him this time.


Marcellus Huisamen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.