10 Video Game Heroes That Accidentally Doomed Everyone

3. Edge Maverick - Star Ocean: The Last Hope

lollipop chainsaw

If there’s one thing that is every hero’s Kryptonite it’s the soppy story: all the villain need do is turn on the tears, spin a pitiful yarn, and even the most cynical do-gooder is honour bound to believe them.

And we all know what happens next.

Such is precisely what befalls Star Ocean hero, Edge Maverick. Finding himself stranded on Earth circa 1957 he and his party are captured by scientists guilty of imprisoning – and experimenting on – alien refugees. Busting out of jail they are stopped by head scientist Milla Bachtein, who then proceeds to spin an absolute master class of a soppy story.

See, Edge comes from a future where the Earth was devastated by nuclear war. Milla correctly deduces that his civilization overcame their dependence on nuclear energy by developing a clean energy source, one that should Edge help her she could replicate, preventing the need for nuclear weapons and thus the apocalypse.

Edge falls for it hook, line and sinker, and promptly finds himself stuck in a cell, watching as the deranged lunatic integrates the new source into a nuclear reactor with predictably catastrophic results. Edge and party escape, but not before the Earth is destroyed.

Suffice to say, Edge’s conscience is a long time recovering.


Marcellus Huisamen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.