10 Video Game Heroes Way Worse Than The Villain

8. Fallout 3 - The Lone Wanderer

Shadow Of The Colossus

Player choices absolutely count towards the protagonist being a rotten, filthy mungo. The reason why the Lone Wanderer makes our list is because they were guided by our beacon of light father, Liam Neeson. He wanted you to follow in his footsteps and help the people of the Capital Wasteland. Which, I mean, you do supply them water, but at what cost?

Let’s see, you blew up Megaton. That’s easily 100 innocent people dead. You enslaved survivors, some of those including children from Little Lamplight. Instead of helping Harold, the mutated talking tree, find peace, you burnt him alive. You insulted a suicidal man into killing himself. You’ve poisoned the Capital Wasteland’s water supply, ruining your father’s goal and on top of that, you’re a cannibal.

What the f**k is wrong with you? You’re nowhere near as bad as Colonel Autumn or Mr Burke, you’re much, much worse.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.