10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

6. Chell - Portal 2

No More Heroes

Chell, the protagonist of the Portal series, might be good at solving puzzles, but she's definitely not so great at choosing friends.

Although GLaDOS is the unequivocal villain of the franchise, in the second game she is replaced by Chell's comical sidekick, Wheatley, and it's all because of none other than Chell.

After the silent heroine defeats GLaDOS, she helps Wheatley gain control of the entire facility in hopes of escaping it, but in the process, she doesn't realize the little core sphere will get absolutely corrupted with power.

As Wheatley sends her up the escape elevator, his new position gets to his head, and he decides to keep Chell around after all, to run some experiments on her himself.

The funny thing is that the main reason Wheatley turns on her is because Chell is mute. When GLaDOS starts insulting his intelligence, Wheatley assumes Chell thinks he's stupid as well, taking her silence as her agreeing with GLaDOS' words.

Ah, the age-old curse of the silent protagonist. Letting the NPCs around you decide what your utter lack of input means.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.