10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

5. Mario - Paper Mario

No More Heroes

You can't really deny that, at the end of the day, Mario is a bit of a menace in the Mushroom Kingdom. One moment you're playing golf with him, and in the next he stomps on your head just for walking in a straight line.

However, there is one game where Mario's misdeeds shine the brightest, and that is the series' arts-and-crafts spin-off RPG, Paper Mario.

In Paper Mario, there are plenty of wacky and comedic situations that Mario gets himself into, including an entire villain arc of an adorably small hatchling that Mario accidentally antagonizes—Jr. Troopa.

Early on, Mario makes an enemy out of Jr. Troopa after he trespasses on the little guy's territory and humiliates him with a quick and easy victory.

At this point you don't think much of it, but as it turns out Jr. Troopa becomes so embarrassed by his defeat, he decides to chase you around the world, getting stronger and challenging you to harder and harder fights.

The difficulty scale gets so ridiculous that Jr. eventually becomes one of the toughest enemies in the game, and you only have yourself and your lack of care for respecting a his private space to blame.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.